
sunday night dinner

I am notorious for eating slowly. As in super slow. As in it  usually takes me at least half an hour to eat dinner. And tonight I insisted that my family stay at the table as I finish my dinner because they always eat much faster than me and then I'm left all alone. Just me and my food. To be honest I was just being dramatic.

But not as dramatic as my father. He is not always blessed with patience. And tonight was no exception, especially because there was a golf game on that had to be watched. Everyone has priorities right? I digress.

So as per usually everyone finishes their food before me and I asked them to stay and wait for me. So the family comes back to the table and we keep talking about whatever. And my dad starts just staring at me. And then he starts narrating my every move. "And Elizabeth makes a move for the potato and green beans, watch out everyone this could get very exciting". Along those lines. And I honestly have to say I have never laughed so hard. It was hilarious the way he was saying everything. Picture an announcer at the race tracks. That was my father.

As well, I do the grocery shopping for the famjam {why? I'll talk about that in another post}. And I am pretty frugal and like to stay on budget. How do I do that? I buy a lot of no name products. To which my father likes to point out on a daily basis. I can't quite understand why he doesn't like them that much, I guess it's just one of those things you either like or you don't. And he doesn't. It's like the end of the world when I buy no name peanut butter instead of his preferred Kraft brand. So while I was finishing my dinner tonight he found an old grocery receipt and started to read through it. And commented on every single thing that was no name. It was pretty funny seeing him react to it all.

Anyways, for many people this post might be a tad boring. It was just one of those moments that was absolutely hilarious. And I wanted to write about it so I can remember it later on. Hope you all had a fabulous weekend!

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