
awkward and awesome thursday!

taking pictures in residence is challenging. especially when your whole room is yellow. 

- can i just put me at university? and my attempt at being friendly/making small talk. i'm sure i'm not the only student that feels this way first week... but seriously it's a bit ridiculous.
- the number of granola bars i've eaten in the last three days. i think the count is around ten.
- biddies* being drunk at 1 am. and running through the hallways. and knocking on everyones door. and when i say knocking i mean pounding. and then when they pound on my door i jump and maybe scream a bit. because i am scared easily.
- the gluten free meals at frosh. rice seems to be the only thing they think i am able to eat. wrong my friends, wrong. and me clarifying if a stew sauce thing does or does not have lactose in it. and getting the most unimpressed answer. no, obviously not. okay, they didn't say obviously not. at least not out loud. but i could tell that's what they were saying in their head.
- speaking of saying stuff in their head. that moment when you are thinking something about a person close to you and then they say "what?". and you kind of freak out for a second because you think you maybe said it out loud.

- getting my green hunter rain boots in the mail yesterday. this is awesome for two reasons. 1. they were the perfect size and in good condition. i'm always skeptical of ebay, but this time they did good. 2. they arrived moments before i was about to have a break down because university is scary. nothing cheers me up like some hunter wellies. {remember that folks}
- my house being so close to my residence. as in it's a ten minute bus ride. so i am able to go home whenever i forget something. or when home cooked meals sound much better than rice.
- putting up pictures and quotes in my dorm room. and making it not look like a jail cell.
- group cheers for frosh. i kind of love doing that stuff. pep rallies are my thing. mock me if you want, i know my friends do.
- pumpkin soy chai latte. oh. my. gosh.

* biddies: girls between the ages of 17-25 who would fall under the stereotype of a dumb blonde. although they don't have to be blonde. in fact most times they are not.

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